
Welcome to my little blog, I am Sarah aka The Happy Squirrel Co. I make bags and decided to start this blog to share how I make my bags, pouches and purses and share some of the techniques I use. When I started sewing I had zero experience, I watched YouTube videos and read tutorials on Pinterest and eventually taught myself the basics.

With (a lot) of trial and error I figured out ways that worked best for me and my basic machine. I’m hoping that this blog may help out other people who want to start their own adventures in sewing. I don’t do sewing jargon because I can’t understand it myself so I will always aim to describe things in easy to understand steps. Any questions? Just shout!


P.S I am by no means a professional and am a firm believer in trial and error!

Feel free to get in touch:

By email sarah.harding70@yahoo.co.uk

Or follow along:



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